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Service Overview

Symposium is a meeting or conference for the discussion of some subject, especially a meeting at which several speakers talk on or discuss a topic before an audience.

We organize symposiums and provide the following services:

  • Planning and scheduling of dates and meetings;
  • Finding facility for the conference;
  • Negotiating rates with the facility;
  • Providing technical support such as computer and projector;
  • Making banquet arrangements.

Conferences and other public meetings and events listed below can be a great opportunity to have an intensified exchange and debate on a particular research issue of your choice. They allow you to emerge from the solitary working conditions of doing PhD research and make contact with colleagues in your field. The chance to verbalize and discuss your ideas face to face as well as to find out what other students and academics have explored in related areas can be invaluable and further the development of your research.

Plan and Details
Assisting in accommodation and transport services from $239.00 (contact us for detailed calculation);
Negotiating rates with the facility from $300.00 (contact us for detailed calculation);
Finding facility for the conference from $399.00 (contact us for detailed calculation);
Making banquet arrangements from $449.00 (contact us for detailed calculation);
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